If you want to build a Sales Engine that can organically, predictably, and repeatably bring in new clients without depending on the Owner or CEO... You're in the right place.
Your prospects are owners and executives at their business, and that's exactly who they want to buy from.
Hiring and summarily firing, a sales person is expensive. It costs money, time, reputation, morale, and more.
It's difficult to know where to find top sales talent, what you can do to attract them, and how to get them to perform.
Somewhere between $5mm and $10mm, it takes more MRR to replace your churn than one person can generate alone. Even for the best MSPs.
Nothing about the way you acquire new clients has the same Operational Maturity as your Service Delivery.
New opportunities are unpredictable, and you're often surprised when you win or lose a potential client.
Mergers and Acquisition grow the top line, but they also grow the complexity of your MSP in every way. And even if you can retain all the clients, talent, and keep service levels high... you still have to find a way to out-sell the coming churn. Even the best MSPs will lose 12% of their MRR every year due to lost clients, reduction in services, customers getting acquired, etc. How will you replace that revenue when it goes?
Marketing (done well) can be an incredible resource for generating new opportunities, but will always be in an imperfect partnership with sales. Talk to any three MSPs and you'll hear two of them complain they've spent thousands, or tens of thousands on marketing that "didn't work."
Are you sure the marketing didn't work, or is it possible that your Sales Engine didn't know how to turn what marketing produced into MRR? It's impossible to know until you have a reliable Sales Engine that can capture a return on that investment.
MSP's that can prove they have a strong Sales Engine, with a forecastable revenue, that it can produce on its own are highest values MSPs in the world.
Building a strong Sales Engine is (in many cases) the best way to maximize your valuation and be in the best negotiating position.
Schedule a call, and use that time to ask any questions of the Growth OS team. We'll be able to give valuable insights whether you end up working with us or not.